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    • #44722

    • #44726
      Nick Wilkins

      Markb, that is just great! Fantastic sound; you must be SO very pleased!

      How long did it take you to learn that?


    • #44736

      Thanks Nick. Not that difficult to learn – go for it! I try and look at as many fiddlers playing it on You tube as I can find (after learning it off Jason). I think I need to add variation and try and get a bagpipe sound/feel. Now on to Southwind….

    • #44742

      thought you played this very nicely. i really like this tune and am working on it as well.

    • #44915

      Well done, Mark.Sounds great and I like the body movement, as well. Shows you’re all in!

    • #44922

      Good job on a great tune !!!’

    • #44954
      Jim Guinn

      Mark, that was an excellent job with Hector the Hero…and, I can hear those bagpipes! Keep up the good work.

    • #45005
      Carl Sutherland

      Very Nice, Mark. That motivates me.

    • #45719
      Barbara Martin

      That sounds lovely. Do you know it by heart or use the music?

    • #45720

      Thankyou. I do ….. but when recording I have the security of the sheet music. Much better when you can be free of it I think.
      Lots of nice comments…. but I need opinions of what I need to improve on. I am thick skinned!

    • #45772

      That was just great! Your pitch is spot on. As it turns out, I was just getting ready to load me doing Hector! I also looked at some online videos, just to get a sense of what tempo is standard.

    • #45817
      [email protected]

      Mark, your timing and tune was great.. Love that song too. Irish tunes are my favorite, perhaps its from my Scottish/Irish Heritage. I’m 66 and have been playing for about 18 months. Keep up the good work because I can tell that you have a natural ability for the fiddle!

    • #45818
      [email protected]

      Thanks for that excellent performance of Rolling Waves. Really good sound. I’ve been playing for 18 months an its really helped me to get through this pandemic without going insane! I’m 66. Keep on Fiddling!

    • #45840

      Well, I thought I would jump on board and try my first video upload to the Fiddlehed site. Here are three versions of Hector the Hero, in preparation for Online Lessons tomorrow: A-Major in lower octave (a bit rough – just started today); In upper octave (as taught in Fidlehed basic version); and upper octave with variations.

      • #45841

        Very nice Tom. I like the variations.

      • #45857
        Nick Wilkins

        Hey, Tom – that’s a great first video! I’m way off that.

        I like the variations, and ‘Hector’ is such a great tune. Definitely on my list when I get better at bowing.

      • #45861
        jason kleinberg

        Nice @tszalay. I was going to teach the lower octave but got side-tracked with Irish embellishment.

        The video looks great. What camera did you use?

      • #45862

        Thanks. The H3 finger reach on G and D strings is quite a stretch, especially the opening two notes, going straight up from G1 to GH3, while trying to keep the G1 still in place for a couple notes later!

        I used the selfie camera on my 4-year-old Samsung S7 cell phone, set on a music stand, uploaded straight from the phone to YouTube. No tweaking or enhancements!

    • #45849

      Thanks CB.. So, how long have you been part of Fiddlehed community?

      • #45863

        Hey Tom, I’ve been a FiddleHed for about 8 1/2 months. I’ve actually been in group lessons and breakouts with you, including today’s great Hector the Hero lesson and the breakout room with you and Jill! My FiddleHed name (cbFidHed2020) and Zoom name (“Patchy-Intermediate Lapsed Childhood Violinist”) were different, so you may not have realized.

        I’ve changed my name though. Thanks to Jason’s amazing teaching talents, I no longer feel “patchy” and any “lapse” has become water under the bridge. I just wish I could learn to calm the nerves when playing in the breakouts.

        I loved the mordents Jason covered today, and who knew that trills are the secret to life!

        You and Jill both sounded great in today’s breakout.

    • #45852

      Mark you are a natural. As you add some of the variations like flicks and mordents you’ll notice a difference but it’s most important to feel really familiar with the basic tune. “Keep fiddling!”

    • #45858

      Hey Tom,

      Way to jump right in! Playing in the lower octave G Scale is not easy; lots of third finger stretching. Very well done!

    • #45866
      Jim Guinn

      I thought that was very nice done, Tom! Thanks for sharing that video.

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