You can now get private feedback on your fiddle skills by submitting a video.

How it works

  1. Upload a video to Youtube
  2. Fill out the form below
  3. Jocelyn or Jason will send you feedback and constructive criticism

If you don’t know how to upload video to YouTube then take this tutorial first: How can I upload a video to the site? Note: you can set the video to “unlisted” if you don’t want it to be discovered by others.

Here’s an example of how these micro-lessons work (thanks Sally!):

These lessons will be private, unless you give us permission to share. You’ll have the option to share  your video feedback lesson or keep it private. The advantage of sharing it is that we all learn together.

Fill out this form

Private lessons

If you want more direct interaction with a teacher, Jocelyn Martens gives private lessons on Zoom. Click here to learn more.

Got questions?

If so, just email us.