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    • #51696

      I’ve been inspired by many of you recording your own chord and harmony accompaniments and decided to have a go with Garage Band. Stayed up till 2am working out how to do it so it’s a bit rough. I tried to improvise a light accompaniment for the verse and chorus, and then do the Ketch Secour instrumental breaks. Great way to practice timing and listening. Had a lot of fun and put the voice auto tune to the highest level Lol!

      For the practice challenge I’ve been aiming to review and fingerprint all my favourite Fiddlehed tunes I’ve learnt so far. I have a list of about 25 songs I’m focusing on. I want to be able to play the first phrase of each song when someone says the name of the song and know the key it’s played in too.

    • #51704
      Joanne Iles

      Hey it’s great you tried the Garageband too! It’s quite addictive when you get going isn’t it? I’ve been trying out all sorts of tunes using Jason’s guide on playing chords & counter melodies.
      Really love this video!

    • #51712

      Lovely Kate!
      I want to be able to play the first phrase of each song when someone says the name of the song and know the key it’s played in too.
      This is a great idea!

    • #51718

      Yes indeed, Joanne, You were one of the one’s who inspired me! The next thing I need to challenge myself is to attempt back up chords on the violin.
      And Magpie, I’ve just created a fingerprint challenge that I will post somewhere when I work out how.

    • #51729

      This is wonderful, Kate! Really nicely done! Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed your harmonies and improv on the tune! Was that you singing?


    • #51737

      Thank you, Cindy! It was me singing, with the auto correct tuning working at full throttle! I’m blown away at all the things you can do on garage band now. I’m still a bit hesitant improvising, but it’s a good way to practice it.

    • #51749

      That is so cool, what you did with “Garageband”.

    • #52069
      Rik Stavale

      Well done! I’ve never used Garage Band but after hearing how you’ve used it I’m checking it out.

    • #52110

      Hope you post something, Rik, when you’ve had a go. I got inspired by watching others use it. It’s a good way to create accompaniment when you have no one else to play with. I’ve just gone down the piano rabbit hole which has a world of different keyboards, sounds, scales. You don’t even really know how to play piano, or guitar, to create tunes. There’s so much creative fun you can have if you have the time.

    • #52206
      Phoebe Koch

      Wow, I’m new to Fiddlehed and just getting starting on the journey. Your video is an inspiration. Nice work. Phoebe

    • #52235

      Well, Phoebe, I’m glad you liked it and that you’re on your Fiddlehed journey. It’s a very exciting place to be. I’ve just finished my 2nd year and love playing everyday and even though there always seems so much more to learn, it’s never daunting. I’ve finally learnt to have fun and enjoy the practice.

    • #52470
      Lindsey Myers

      Awesome job!!!

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