Simple Gifts
The message of keeping things simple resonates more then ever (it seems harder and harder to do). But I keep trying.
This tune is technically not too hard, especially if you know the Two-Octave G Major scale.
G Major scale: G0-1-2-3-D0-1-2-3 | D3-A0-1-L2-3-E0-1-L2
I think what’s challenging is that there’s less repetition than in a typical fiddle tune.
But you got this! As usual, start by mastering the first two bars…
Basic lesson tutorial
Play-along track & Sheet music
☝️Note: This track and the sheet music should be the same, but the video tutorial is slightly different.
Practice at your own tempo with a G drone:
You can also use the drone to try adding variation or even improvising.
Sheet Music video
Yet another way to practice the tune. Pro tip: click the “⚙” icon to slow it down.
Deepen your practice if this song by taking this workshop: Simple Gifts Fiddle Meditation
- You’ll slowly explore the tune with drone practice, call-and-response, looping and other strategies.
- You’ll relax the body, breath and mind.
- You’ll realize a deeper connection to your fiddle and to the music you make.
Adding variation
Here’s a step-by-step lesson which will show you how to add variation to Simple Gifts. First I’ll play a fast tempo version of the tune with some variations I like. Then I’ll go through and show you what I did different from the basic version.
Note: if you are working through the course and haven’t yet learned double stops, I recommend putting this on hold for the moment. It’s better to get a good sound with double stops before adding to melodies.
You can put this on a “Bucket List.” Or don’t mark it as complete above (that way it will remain marked as “Lesson started” which will remind you to return to it later). Or mark as a favorite below.
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This was a great lesson!!! Special thanks for the double stop sheet above. Double stops are my nemesis!
Great you enjoy! Yes, helpful support for integrating double stops, and awesome you are approaching what feels tricky! 👍🏽
The sheet music above is missing the letters for the TABS printed above and it makes a really brilliant exercise for learning to read the sheet music for me to work out which string the notes are on! It stops me being lazy reading tabs & actually means I have to look at the notes as I play whilst using the video and backing track too!
Perfect challenge, Joanne 🎶
I like how you recognized this and put it out there, so relatable.
Opens up fresh approaches to learning 🥳
Hey Jason, Do you teach Mandolin too?
Ive stopped with piano and would like to learn how to play the mandolin.
Thanks Robin
[email protected]
All lessons in this course can be used to practice mandolin.
Take this workshop: Mandolin For Fiddlers
Have fun!