Let’s play a game of call-and-response. This will help you to:

👂Develop your ear

🎸Play with others

💡Practice and play creatively


How this works

  1. Listen to what I play
  2. Play it back
  3. Repeat the exercise until you can easily play back what you hear

If you find this useful, then go here for more games and exercises: Call-and-response Central.

Let’s play

Practice Variations

  • Respond with plucking instead of bowing
  • Respond with singing instead of fiddling
  • Respond with Audiation (“hearing it in your head”) instead of fiddling
  • On your own, alternate between singing and fiddling small tune phrases
  • On your own, alternate between playing something in the low and high octave
  • Record your own call-and-response exercises

The more you practice this way, the more the fiddle will become an extension of your body and your voice.

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3 responses to “Call-and-response Exercises 1.10

  1. This is very helpful! Thank you Jason – I’m a little slow in my progress, even though I have learned to play lots of tunes , I won’t click ‘finished module ‘until I have successfully completed each one- Still ‘ fiddling around ‘ aka practicing -thanks again for your patience!:)