Call-and-response Exercises 1.10
Let’s play a game of call-and-response. This will help you to:
👂Develop your ear
🎸Play with others
💡Practice and play creatively
How this works
- Listen to what I play
- Play it back
- Repeat the exercise until you can easily play back what you hear
If you find this useful, then go here for more games and exercises: Call-and-response Central.
Let’s play
Exercise 1: G Major Upper Octave
Exercise 2: G Major Octave Talking
Exercise 3: Banshee Phrases
Exercise 4: Old Joe Clarke
Exercise 5: Arkansas Traveller A Part
Practice Variations
- Respond with plucking instead of bowing
- Respond with singing instead of fiddling
- Respond with Audiation (“hearing it in your head”) instead of fiddling
- On your own, alternate between singing and fiddling small tune phrases
- On your own, alternate between playing something in the low and high octave
- Record your own call-and-response exercises
The more you practice this way, the more the fiddle will become an extension of your body and your voice.
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This is very helpful! Thank you Jason – I’m a little slow in my progress, even though I have learned to play lots of tunes , I won’t click ‘finished module ‘until I have successfully completed each one- Still ‘ fiddling around ‘ aka practicing -thanks again for your patience!:)
This is fun and challenging!! But—- If it was easy, anybody could do it!! Oh…. Anybody can do it with practice and dedication—and proper instruction.
Thank you Jason
I learned two of my favorite tunes in this module! Hooray!! 🙂