Home » Forums » Student Videos » Lover’s Waltz-new very old fiddle audition

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    • #47469
      Joanne Iles

      After 2 years learning with a student fiddle I decided to invest in my “forever fiddle”. My local music shop kindly sourced a number of beautiful old German fiddles from around the country as they thought they would suit the Celtic & Old Time tunes I like to play. After a few hours of playing & listening I finally plumped for this old & well worn English model made in 1925 in Plymouth. It has such a sweet sound & beautiful resonance, it sounds like it’s singing back to me. It was playing this tune that made my mind up for me! Still hitting a few wrong notes getting used to the new fingerboard & set up!

    • #47559

      Beautiful sounding fiddle, Jo! It has a deep voice. Reminds me of two old fiddles I found a few years ago. One was German and the other was Czech. Deep throated sound. Can you play the fiddle both left- and right-handed?

      Thanks for sharing! Always interested in this journey.


    • #47581

      Congratulations, Joanne, on your old new forever fiddle! I’ve watched your dedication in the timing challenge as well as your other videos, and it’s heartwarming to see you take this big leap forward with your new instrument. You look so contented playing it, and it does have a really nice resonance. Lovely, smooth playing on the waltz. I’m so happy for you!

    • #47583
      Joanne Iles

      Thanks Carolyn & Cindy! It’s certainly a beautiful sounding violin. I feel really excited & motivated now to improve my playing to do it justice. I made my choice after whittling down the selection to 3 or 4 & was really interested to hear the difference in the tone & sound of them all. Apparently in general, German violins tend to have a bright & louder tone whereas English ones are more variable. This one wasn’t as loud but has this sweetness in the mid range that I just really love.
      Cindy, I play right handed only,I just figured out how to turn my video round rather than have the mirror setting! 😆

    • #47619

      Yes I agree this is a wonderful fiddle! What a beautiful tone it has. The tune sounds lovely on it. You played well. Thanks for sharing your fiddle finding journey with us. The fiddle does sound like you want to just dig into it and pull out those beautiful sonorous notes.

      My fiddle is French and it sounds a bit nasal and pinched sometimes, but I do love it!

    • #47714

      It’s so exciting getting a new violin! I’ve been having fun with my new electric. It’s taken a bit of adjusting to the full size from a 3/4 size, but it is so much better. I’d really like to get a full size acoustic as well one day, but live a long way from any music shops, and don’t want to buy online. I think it’s a good idea to play before you buy. You’re going to have fun getting to know your new baby!

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