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Hi Kaz and Kate
Kaz I love Old Bar! I also remember lying on that beach after a night shift and falling asleep and yes woke up with a bad sunburn! We lived in Taree from 1981-3.
I have been a bit slack lately, cut my index finger and have had a while not playing. I did go to the Fiddlehed Improve your Tone yesterday. It helped me get back into it.
I thought about the challenge….I’m glad you are challenging yourself with the chords Kate, I find that a bit hard but will definitely have another go at it.
I usually play with a celtic group on a Monday afternoon and I am the slowest fiddle player! I can recommend playing in a group, it has challenged me and I have improved. I’m sure there would be a group around Taree Kaz. I also enjoy playing with Julie from Luxembourg over zoom. I met Julie on the Fiddlehed site.
You may be interested – I recently bought a bowing aide which I find helpful. https://www.swstrings.com/product/accessories/violin/BR1
Happy Fiddling Kate and Kaz!
cheers Maggie