Here’s a clip from a zoom lesson with my friend Jim…
He’s working on on the B part of “Arkansas Traveller.” This is a great tune for micro-practice.
Play just the first four notes until you feel your body and breath relax: E3-L2-1-3. Once this starts to flow and sound better, move on to the next four notes. This is the basic process of micro-practice.
I’ve been teaching Jim for a few years. Like most of my students, he’s become a friend. We end up spending a fair amount of time just chatting about meditation, running, health, music. He’s one of the friendliest people I know, right up there with my Dad 🙂
I’m currently giving away six thirty-minute zoom lessons. Go to the FiddleHed homepage for details
May these short clips of other students encourage you to play every day. Best to you on your fiddle journey,
Great to hear from you Jim! Great job!!
Awesome job Jim!!! I’m working my way to that. Great inspiration!!!
I’m learning the same piece! This was really helpful and encouraging, micro practice is definitely key!