Old-time, Micro-lessons
Beginner > Module 1.8, Core tunes

Here’s a lesson on how to learn tunes from Youtube.

You can adjust the speed by clicking the settings icon in the lower right hand corner. Start with the first few notes. Make a mental note of the start time, and then listen to these notes a few times. You may want to write down the times of parts in a practice journal so you can continue to work on this the next day.

Try to sing or hum them. Then try to play them. Then listen again to see if it’s correct. Go between listening and playing to verify that you have it right. There may be notes that are not quite double stop distinct. You may have to just to your best to approximate these. Work your way through the entire tune in this way.

You’ll be able to do this more easily if you can hear and figure out the scale of the song. There’s no easy formula for this, but a great practice is to ALWAYS PLAY THE SCALE for a tune first if you know it (I always indicate this on FiddleHed) and then alternate between scale and tune. This will nurture your ability to hear the scale in the tune, which will help you learn tunes.

Learn more about How To Learn Fiddle Tunes More Easily.