How to send a private message to other Fiddlehed folks

We have a new feature on the site that creates a social network within Fiddlehed. I made a tutorial video on how it works.

The most important thing to know is how to send a private message to other FiddleHeds. This will allow you to support each other, share videos, and form your own practice groups on zoom.

Here’s an example of how others have formed their own online practice group: Fiddling with friends online.


Tired of seeing the weird emoji next to your name?

You can change that on your profile page. I show how to do this in the video above. You can also change your profile background. And similar to Facebook, you can make friend requests to other fiddlehead folks.


As you can see, there are other similar features as Facebook…but no annoying ads 🤠

Do you have other questions about how the site works? Let me know and I’ll create more tutorials. I will be adding more tutorials like this to this page: How to Use FiddleHed.

This will help you to not get bogged down by techy-stuff 🤯 and get back to your fiddle journey…🎶


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